In case you have remaining questions, or prefer to read the written instructions, I explain them below. Once you see the tutorial, you’ll be able to complete the process for any of the two platforms without inconvenience. I will illustrate how to do it from a Mac, but also to do so from a PC doesn’t have many differences. In general the process is very similar for either, except for differences imposed by each of the two platforms. Here we show how to download the kindle app for your PC or Mac. This tutorial is part of a series which explains how to download the kindle app for various devices. For example, we can start by reading a book on your phone and then continue on amazon tablet or PC and keep record of the page where you were. Once we get the kindle app on multiple devices, we can read in any of them and amazon handles the synchronization of content. Download and install the appropriate application in a simple process. So we can read them on any computer desktop, smartphone, tablet and even in your browser. Amazon has created applications or programs for a wide range of devices that can be downloaded for free, which allow us not only to read books for kindle, but do it from any device where you have downloaded these applications. To read books from the kindle platform, it is not necessary to have the device that sells amazon for this purpose (although once you use it, it is very easy to fall for it).